What a fantastic, thrifty year it has been! Boy, was it tough narrowing it down to 10 of my favorite finds of 2010. I scored some pretty darn good stuff this year so here they are, in its wonderfully used beauty.

1. MONEY TREE It continues to bring me lots of luck at the thrifts so this tree is my number one!
2. BALLY SHOES  I can't live without these shoes. I wear them every single day.
3. NEEDLEPOINT ARTWORK This crazy huge needlepoint really adds scale and character in my home. I love the colors and the abstract shapes.
4. POLAROID SX-70 I think any SX-70 guarantees a spot in the top ten—period.
5. TEAK APPLE CONTAINER I can't believe I almost didn't buy this teak apple. It's the perfect little thing for the cuff links I got my Heartmate for Christmas.
6. NORDISKA KOMPANIET TABLE This gorgeous Swedish side table isn't being used right now but I love its mid-century moderness.
7. YASHICA T4 CAMERA Another awesome camera that deserves to be in the top ten.
8. LEATHER SATCHEL I use this bag daily to carry all my junk and it gets a ton of compliments, too.
9. EAMES DCM CHAIRS Yeah, 'nuf said.
10. DRAWING AUTISM This book has some of the most inspiring artworks.

What are some of your favorite thrifty finds this year? I'm so looking forward to what the thrifts have in store for me in 2011. I can't wait!
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