So I've been job hunting lately and I came across an ad on Craigslist about needing some volunteers for a grand opening ACTS thrift store in Pasadena. I was wicked excited because there's never too many thrift stores, I tell ya. I've been thinking, since I consider myself a thrift vulture, the idea of working at one crossed my mind, multiple times. Well, I ended up NOT volunteering but I did find myself some goodies at the grand opening.
Note to self, NEVER EVER attend another grand opening of ANY store EVER again! It was a madhouse. Hundreds of crazy people, myself included, racking up knickknacks like freebies. I was also in line for nearly an hour. Insane.
I wanted to leave but I couldn't pass up on these two, perfect pairs of Bally oxfords that, surprisingly were my size. One's a dark chocolate color and the other is black. They're totally fake with badly sewn on labels but they're still dandy. After some good, antibacterial wiping, they'll be ready for the city.
I also grabbed a few books.
The Road - Cormac McCarthy
The Time Traveler's Wife - Audrey Niffenegger
The Tipping Point - Malcom Gladwell
All About the Stars - Anne Terry White
Check out this fun and very dated children's book, All About The Stars. It's totally perfect for propping a window open.
I'd say today was a GOOD DAY at the thrifts.