Two weekends ago, I hit up the Melrose Trading post flea market in Hollywood with the oh-so adorable, the QUEEN of fleas(not the jumping kind), Ashley of Sally Lou Vintage. I grabbed my Contax T2 and kick started our adventure at the yummy yum yum, Square One for coffee, toast and bacon scones. Ashley's cutie pal, Zeb also joined us for some thrifty fun.

So, there were interesting finds like, bins and bins of found photos, a crazy mood doll, a terrier slurping up filthy water, and a vintage salmon-colored clock we tried haggling for but failed. Oh well. Ashley did walk away with a cute, floral tote with wooden handles. And I got myself a birdy bottle opener. Zeb didn't find anything, although, he was very interested in a few muumuus—hah! It was a total blast! Can't wait for the next flea market adventure with my favorite vintage vultures!