Ahhh, home sweet home. The flight from Vegas was a quick one. Seriously, the plane took off and landed in a blink of an eye. And I was greeted by another beautiful, sunny day in LA.

The first thing I did when I got home, I took a few snaps of the new candlestick holders I picked up at a Salvation Army thrift store in Vegas. Then, I made some Kona iced coffee and blasted the a/c on high because it's blazing hot in my loft. Anyway, Happy Monday, I mean, Tuesday, everyone!

ps. Check out some Old Brand New and Beatrice love over at frankie magazine. Sweet thanks! It's a fun and stylish mag based in Australia for both men and women. And I love their side project, SPACES, a delicious mook (half mag, half book) featuring lovely interiors from all over. I've been wanting to get my hands on a copy since it first came out last October. I love the cover.