On Saturday, we got up early, I dropped my heartmate off to his facial appointment, so while he was getting his scrub on, I was thrifting—didn't find anything though. Then, we decided to drive up to Chumash which is about 120 miles north of L.A. to claim our free slot machine plays. I love slot machines! And let's just say, our Easter brunch was comped, thank you, Chumash!
Afterwards, we took a scenic route home. And we grabbed some coffee and a waffle ice cream sandwich to reboot. Then, I gave Timmy a haircut and got ready for a fun night of dancing. I can't believe I still had energy for that!
Also tested out my new Olympus Ecru camera. I didn't realize there was a roll of film already loaded so it got exposed when I popped it open which is why the colors came out wonky, like the moving photo of Timmy listening to the Dodgers game. How was everyone's weekend?