We just got a bag of avocados on Sunday and by Tuesday, they all got super soft and ripe, so instead of making guacamole like my heartmate wanted me to, I decided to make one of my favorite childhood drinks — the avocado milkshake, with a twist. The avocado milkshake is a pretty exotic drink and it's popular all over South East Asia, Morocco and Middle Eastern countries. I used to order them at Chinese and Vietnamese restaurants, or even at boba places. The traditional ones were made with condensed milk, aka crack.
My version is healthier and combines my favorite green flavors, mint and pistachio. I was pretty certain by adding these green ingredients, it would make a bomb ass smoothie and guess what, it does! The mint cuts through that rich, creamy, nutty taste nicely. I know this smoothie might weird some folks out, but trust, it's delicious!
• 1 avocado
• 1/4 cup unsalted pistachios
• 1 sprig mint leaves
• 2 tablespoons honey
• 1 cup coconut milk (or almond milk)
• 1 cup ice
• pinch of salt
Scoop the avocado into the blender and toss the rest of the ingredients in and bam! A glass full of green yumminess. Hey, maybe I'll add kale next time, too! Enjoy!