Happy New Year! Hope you all enjoyed your holidays. It has been mighty busy over here. And by busy, we mean we bought a new house in New Orleans! We are first time home owners and the house is pretty huge. I'll show you some photos later. It all happened so quickly. We saw it three weeks ago. Fell in love with it so we put in an offer. It got accepted immediately. Signed and picked up the keys yesterday and we're moving in this weekend. Craziness.

2014 has been a crazy fun year and I have so much to be thankful for. Thank you to all my family and friends for all the support. Especially thankful for my insta-spouse, Justina Blakeney for all the fun projects we worked on, like photographing The New Bohemians book.

Thankful to have a heartmate. Today is our six month anniversary! I knew the moment I hopped on that Long Island Railroad Train to Montauk that it was gonna be one long ride. Please don't mind the cheesiness. I'm just so happy that we found each other (on OKcupid. Mmhmm!!!).

And a big fat thank YOU, to all my vintage vultures for visiting Old Brand New daily, weekly, or even once on a blue moon. Ha. All I have to say is that with a new house, there will be plenty of Dab-It-Yourself projects and hunting for home goodies this year. I can't wait. I really miss those days when all I did was thrift and decorate. Remember those days? We're bringing Old Brand New back this year. It's gonna be dope!